Electronic Patient Records


  • The patients’ details are stored in safely in the Microsoft azure software and in cloud storage. Dentee practice management software helps you to arrange your clinic’s desk work properly and easily
  • Manage Patient's personal details like photograph, contact address, occupation, age etc. with our clinic management software.
  • Manage Patient's medical history, dental history and diagnosis.
  • Manage Patient's treatments with graphical representation of teeth structure.
  • Manage Patient's documents, print prescription and lab report stored
  • Manage Patient's appointment history, billing and outstanding payment.
patient list
Add New Patient

Add New Patient

  • Patients can register themselves easily in this clinic management system
  • New Patient's registration with message
  • Configurable form to add patient
  • Thank you message to patient/doctor who referred the patient

Patient FeedBack

  • Patient can give their feedback through tab
  • Patient can give feedback online
  • Patient can give feedback through the link by SMS after the visit is completed
  • Patients’ feedbacks are available on dentee - discovery platform.
Patient FeedBack